Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Introducing...Arissa Ardini (Azam Isteri yag Penyayang)

D.o.b = 21 July 2009

At = Kuantan Medical Centre

Time = 2.20am

Weight = 3.42kg

Lenght = 47.5

Head Circumference = 35cm

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I am in My 39th Week Of Pregnancy

How Big is your Baby
Your baby will be weighing in at around 3.288kg (7.25 pounds) and measuring 50.7cm (19.96 inches).

How big are you
Your uterus now sits about 16-20 cm above your bellybutton and about 36-40cm above your pubic symphysis.

How is your baby developing and growing
Your baby will continue to gain weight while he is still inside the uterus, although the rate of growth is very slow.
All his/her organ systems are now in place and capable of functioning on their own

Your Nutrition
If you are going to be breast feeding your baby, you may be concerned about your nutrition levels and what is best for you to eat. You may be advised to eat an extra 500 calories per day, as on average a breast feeding mother usually secretes about 425 to 700 calories into her beast milk everyday.

The extra calories can be gained from eating the following:
This Week with Dr Miriam Stoppard

Bread/cereal/past/rice 9 servings/day
Milk/cheese/dairy 3 servings/day
Fruits 4 servings/day
Vegetables 5 servings/day

You will also want to avoid foods that can cause gas, such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and spicy foods.

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Waaa..39weks ofis kata perut ummi dah turun..jalan pun dah mcm ozzy boo huhuhuh..rasa nyeri nyeri kat bwh tu semakin kerap..pastu mesti nak terkencing far adik ammar punyer movement pun baik...ummi selalu keep track kat carta yg doc bg tu...10 pergerakan dalam masa 12 jam..

Last checkup ummi pergi kat spital ..tempat lahir abg ammar dulu..adik ammar pun lahir situ nanti ..InsyaAllah...masa checkup semuanya ok..air ketuban...ummi dpt tgk muka adik ammar...waa tembamnye pipi...warisan sapa ni?sebab ummi dgn abah takde la tembam kan?..huhuhu...muka jenis cengkung...pastu dpt tgk jantung dan injap..tgk lagi gender..tak pueh hati la main sorok-sorok....berat dia pun dah 3.1kg..waaa memecahkan rekod abang diaso skrg dah nampak dah hehehheh...InsyaAllah....moga-moga benar la apa yang gynae bgtau tu...berat ummi skarang dah 77..fuh....dulu ammar 74 dah bersalin dah...xtra 3kg ni...adik ammar cukup mkn eh?ke terlebih mkn?fuh lepas pantang sok pose pulak..harap-harap dpt balik figure org ofis ummi kata perut ummi je kedepan..part lain tak kaki pun dah membengkak ni..cincin takleh pakai dah....

sekarang bila kat rumah ummi dah takde masa nak tgk internet...sebok mengemas..tak tau apa yg di kemaskan...ntah..ada aje yg ummi buat housekeeping..pastu kul 10 lebih dah flat...tido ..sekali dgn ammar...

semua barang-barang dah siap di beli...tak sempat nak snap apa yg dah beli sebab ada separuh drnya dah di pack dan simpan lam keta..

harap semua pembaca sunyi doakan saya di permudahkan dalam urusan melahirkan khalifah kecil ini...oooppsss..nama tak cari lagi ni?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Chacklist utk ummi dan adik ammar..

Erm..walaupun dah ada experience time ammar checklist ni penting gak untuk pastikan takde yg tertinggal..nanti bila dah bersalin..salah satu drpd pantang larang time berpantang tu kuar jenjalan shopping huhuhuh...nak suruh abah karang takut abah tak pandai beli...InsyaAllah semua ni masih belum di ketepikan dan ada yang belum beli pun..sekarang dlm proses untuk pastikan supaya semuanya complete..takdela susah nanti!

Keperluan Bayi

baju lengan pendek/panjang - Beli 2 helai dulu huhu + ammar punye newborn dulu kaler putih
seluar pendek/panjang - Seperti di atas
sarung tangan - Beli 2-3 pasang je dulu
sarung kaki - Seperti di atas
lampin/lampin pakai buang - kene beli la sebungkus dua.sementara tu ushar Cloth diapers jap
selimut - Pakai ammar punya
barut bayi - Seperti di atas
kain - kain apa eh?napkin ke?ammarnye ada dah
tuala mandi bayi - Beli 3-4 helai
almari/bakul pakaian - Dah ada
sapu tangan - byk giler
tikar getah bayi - ammar punyer ada
beg bayi - ni kene beli..ammarnye dah hancur uhuuhuhu

sabun bayi - kene beli
bedak bayi - seperti di atas
losyen bayi - dah ada
syampu bayi - kene beli
besen mandi bayi - ammar punye ada
putik kapas - kene peli
bakul alatan mandian - kene beli, sebab takleh sharing dgn ammar punye...dah penuh

botol susu - kene beli walaupun nak bf
bekas simpan susu - erm..akan di fikirkan
berus botol susu - kene beli
bekas simpan botol susu (warmer) - nak tukar kepasa rak botol susu

bantal dan tilam - beli kot..tak pasti
sarung bantal dan tilam - tak beli
katil bayi - tak pasti lagi..sebab dah ada baby cradle

minyak kembung perut - kene beli
tisu lembab - beli
pemotong kuku - ammar punyer ada

Keperluan Ibu

baju - ada dah
kain batik - banyak!
makanan/jamu ketika berpantang - kene beli
pad bersalin - kene beli
stokin - dah ada
sapu tangan - tak payah
selipar - kene beli sebab kat rumah tu sandal..takut licin pulak
bengkung - yg 10 meter panjang tu?dah ada

susu - kene beli
pil tambahan kesihatan - kene beli
jamu bersalin - kene beli

Penyusuan badan
bra menyusu - kene tambah
bantal menyusu - tak payah
pad payudara - tak payah
pam perah susu(ibu bekerja) - dah ada
poncho menyusu - ponchp tu apa?

bidan/tukang urut - akan booking
batu tungku - kene cari
buku panduan kelahiran - dah ada

Beg ke hospital

pakaian bayi
sarung tangan dan kaki
selimut bayi
botol susu
lampin/lampin pakai buang

kad pengenalan
surat pemeriksaan doktor
baju ibu
kain batik
pad bersalin
pakaian dalam ibu
berus gigi & ubat gigi
tuala mandi
sapu tangan
kamera dan pastikan ada filem
dan bateri !!!

Sumber :

Surah-surah ni elok baca tau..

Erm ada lebih kurang 6 minggu lagi daku nak meninggalkan pengalaman indah sewaktu mengandungkan adik ammar ni...erm...rindu la nanti ..suka sgt dgn rasa baby kicking ni..tak lama lagi apa yang ummi sharring dgn baby akan lenyap..huhuh..kita sharing ka luar je tak dpt sharing sehati sejiwa mcm skrg ni...40 minggu nan indah itu bakal di tamatkan tak lama lagi..InsyaAllah..mudah mudahan ummi selamat dan mudah melahirkan baby ni..

Ni ada sikit info nak sharing pada yg baru baru hamil tu..masih belum terlambat menggunakan 40 minggu nan indah ni dengan perbanyakkan amalan..supaya janin yg bakal lahir tu mendapat tarbiyah awal dari dalam perut lagi..InsyaAllah...

* Surah Al-Fatihah (Untuk terang hati dan kuat ingatan)
* Surah Maryam (Untuk memudahkan ibu bersalin)
* Surah Yusuf (Untuk memperoleh anak yang cantik rupa dan cantik akhlak)
* Surah Luqman (Untuk memperoleh anak yang cerdik akal dan cerdik jiwa)
* Surah Yaasin (Untuk ketenangan hati dan anak tidak terpengaruh dengan godaan syaitan yang mengajak kepada maksiat)
* Surat Toha (Semoga bayi lembut hati)
* Surah Al-Nahl (Untuk melahir anak yang berdisplin)
* Surah Hujurat (Untuk memperbanyakkan susu ibu dan anak bersifat berhati-hati)
* Surah Al-Taubah (Untuk membersih jiwa dan terpelihara daripada maksiat)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Anak sulung vs anak ke-2

Waaa tajuk macam dua org anak sedang bergaduh je kan...
hehehe sebenarnye idak...cuma nak citer je perbezaan mengandungkan 2 org anak ni...masa awak preggy second baby ari tu takleh nak citer sgt sebab belum menjalani minggu sepenuhnye kali ni dah 33 weeks dah boleh la nampak perbezaan pregnant kedua dua nye...

Ini pic masa preggy kan Ammar..yakni anak sulung..hehee tecit je perut sampai nak dkt due masih boleh berbaju kurung
Perubahan yang berlaku:-
- Sejuk sangat len panas kite sejuk
- Tak lalu mkn..mkn je rasa nak muntah
- Tapi tak penah muntah pun
- Awal-awal preggy takleh bau dapur dan toilet...sabun lam toilet harus tukar..wangi wangi semua rasa mcm bau busuk..uwek...mmg busuk dan kalau di idu lelama sakit kepala jadinye..
-Dekat 3 bulan la tak masak..sebab takleh masak...asal ke dapur je bau dapur tu busuk semacam...sampai bau rumah pun rasa busuk..
-Bau mr pres pun rasa busuk heheeeh...sory bie...
-Mengidam kari ayam mak kat kl..huhuh dapat..
-Ari-ari belasah roti canai dan teh ais, tengahari pulak nasi tu la..berat naik sekilo ..sekilo....semua sekali 10 kilo je naik sepanjang pregnant...sebelum pregnant berat 64....berat masa due 74...3 hari lepas bersalin dpt balik berat 64 tu..
-Minum soya berkotak-kotak..susu semua boleh accept..sedap je rasanye semua makanan masa tu
-Gatal-gatal kat seluruh badan...perut nye kaler pun tak cantik..mcm merah kene bakar je...
- Takde mood nak mekap..melawa...sempoi je time preggy kan ammar ni
- 6 bulan kaki dah mengembang dgn jayanya..jari jari pun kembang
- Kurang minum air kosong
- Tak kisah pun kalau mr pres asik keje je...

Ok ini pula pic masa preggy kan anak nombor 2 ni...asik nak melawa je kejenye...

Perubahan yang berlaku
- Takde alah apa-apa pun
- Tak muntah muntah
- Semua bau wangi adalah sedap
- Bau mr pres pun sedap ermmmm
- Boleh masak...rajin gile masak...asal teringin nak makan sesuatu je nak masak
- Tetiba gile mekap..nak eyeliner la...pastu tak minat pakai sandal pregnant...nak gak pakai kasut tumit terpaksa suurender bila dah masuk 6 bulan...kaki dah mula cam kembang sampai skrg masih nampak lagi urat-urat kaki..
- Jari tangan masih runcing walaupun dah 33 weeks
- Kurang eksesais berani tu drive dgn ammar berdua ke kl pada usia kandung 7 bulan
- Menjaga sangat makanan..kaffein tak amik...air gas sekali sekala...ais tak amik banyak gile minum air kosong
- Selalu pikir apa la yg teringin nak takde apa pun yg di teringinkan
-Penyakit jeles kat mr pres menjadi jadi..sampai terbawak- bawak lam mimpi..

Ok..byk tak beza?byk gak kan?huhuhuhuh...bole teka ke baby girl ke baby boy?

I am in My 33rd Week Of Pregnancy

How big is your baby?
Your baby will be weighing in at around 4.23 pounds (1.918kg) and measuring 17.20 inches (43.7cm).

How big are you?
Your uterus now sits about 5.11 inches (13cm) above your bellybutton and about 12.99 inches (33cm) above your pubic symphysis. Your total weight gain by now should be about 21.82-27.77 pounds (9.9-12.6 kg).

Depending on how big your baby is, you may be feeling uncomfortable in different ways. If your baby is sitting quite high up, then there is a good chance that you would have already been kicked under your ribs. This can be extremely painful!

It is also not uncommon for babies to be low and lying in your pelvis by this stage. This can sometimes lead to sciatic nerve pain, which it when your baby is causing pressure to be place on the sciatic nerve. This may leave you feeling pins and needles in your lower back, legs and feet.

How is your baby developing and growing
Your baby may begin to practice sucking this week by sucking on his/her fingers.

  • Your baby will continue to deposit fat under the skin this week as he/she will continue to gain weight.
  • As a result of the fat deposits, your baby's skin will be changing color from red to pink.

Your Nutrition
Continue to eat the correct foods in order to ensure that your weight gain is good and that you are getting the correct amount of nutritional value.

You may find that you will begin to experience heartburn more often as your stomach doesn't have as much space as your baby is getting bigger. Eating smaller meals more often may help ease heartburn. For more ways read our article on reducing heart burn during pregnancy.

Ensure that you wash all fruits and vegetable prior to preparing. This will help reduce the amount of pesticides and food preservatives you will be taking in, as these chemicals will be harmful to your baby

Apa Yang Ummi rasa?

Hari ni ummi gi checkup nak tengok baby laaaa..dalam scan je...bulanye kepala...mcm tembam je pipi...tgk mcm dah tak aktif dia gerak gerak la..takde la nak rasa kicking mcm dulu..maybe dah takde ruang...tapi bwh rusuk ni mmg selalu la rasa di geletek dan sedikit sakit..heheheh it's ok..perasaan yg indah bila pregnant..

Tadi tengok heartbeat ok, tulang spine ok, tulang peha..air ketuban..semuanye ok..kepala baby ke bawah..doc ukut lilit perut lagi dgn tali tape..saiz perut sesuai dgn minggu ke ignore saje ckp ckp org yg kata "eh besarnye perut ye..." " kecik je perut" masing-masing nye pendapat...ada pulak tu siap ckp lagi perut dah turun...heheeheh..itu yg ummi tak percaya..ummi percaya ckp opah..opah kata kalau kita boleh letak 3 jari kite dia bawah breast itu baru betul baby dah turun..sekarang satu jari pun belum lepas...

tadi ummi buat blood test gak..result time tu juga dpt..tup tup hb tinggi 16.5.erm..doc kata maybe supplement..last supplement yg ummi amik sangolion..camtu la kot ejaan nye..menambahkan hb katanya...pastu doc kata mesin dia pun ada sikit its ok..doc kata ok je..erm tak sabar la nak bersalin...hopeflly selamat semuanya dan baby lahir dgn nanti kita mesti dah tak haring apa-apa lagi kene main dgn abang ammar pulak la ;)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I am in My 32nd Week Of Pregnancy

How big is your baby?
Your baby will be weighing in at around 3.75 pounds (1.702kg) and measuring 16.69 inches (42.4cm).

How big are you?
Your uterus now sits about 4.72 inches (12cm) above your bellybutton and about 12.59 inches (32cm) above your pubic

How is your baby developing and growing

You may begin to experience back pain now. Back pain is generally caused by weak stomach muscles, as this will force you to push your shoulders back in order to support your growing uterus.

This week your baby will :

Be able to register on all five of his/her senses.
Your baby's iris, which is the colored part of the eye, will open in darker light and close in brighter light.
Your baby's toe nails should be completely formed by now.

Changes In You
By now I am sure that you would have already started to experience Braxton Hicks - which are the early practice contractions your body uses to start preparing for labor. It is important that you understand the difference between real labor contractions and Braxton hicks, as this will mean you are able to tell the difference between the real lobor signs and pre-term labor signs.

Braxton hicks can be extremely uncomfortable at times, and there are a number of ways in which you can help relieve them:

Drink lots of water
Avoid Caffeine
Use this time to practice breathing techniques
Try and maintain an empty bladder

Your Nutrition
Should you be expecting twins or multiples, then you should be paying special attention to your nutrition and weight gain. Food will always be your best source of nutrition, but it will be even more important for you to take your prenatal vitamins.

IShould your weight gain in the early stages of your pregnancy not be sufficient, then you will stand a higher chance of developing pre-eclampsia or your baby being born a little too small. Your health care provider will keep tabs on your weight gain and he/she will inform you if your weight gain is too low or too high.

Your target weight gain, if you are carrying more than one baby, will be about 45 pounds, so don't be alarmed when your health care provider tells you what he wants your total weight gain to be.

Getting Prepared
If you have not already done so, now would be a good time to start packing your hospital bag - if you are having a hospital birth - or at least thinking about what you are going to need. Now is a good time to gather what you require, because anything could start happening in the next few weeks, and there is nothing worse than arriving at the hospital and realizing that you have forgotten most of what you need

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Perut pun dah semakin besar....berat sgt rasanya nak membawa baby ke hulu ke hilir..tapi ummi seronok...erm cuma tak seronok je kat ofis org org lelaki menegur keadaan perut ummi..besar la...eii besarnye...eiii...apa bini diorang tak pernah mengandung ke?sabor...sabor....ummi senyum je kalau diorang dok tanya dan tegur perut ummi..janji baby sihat kat dalam kan?

Sekarang ni nak tido mls tak dpt tido dgn lena...kalau bebetul penat je baru dpt tido lena...kalau tak mmg asik terjaga...telentang rasa mengah...mengiring rasa baby kick..maybe baby tak selesa kot bila ummi mengiring...ada sorang officemate tegur ummi nampak cengkung..tak cukup tido ke...dari situ ummi terfikir mmg lately ummi tak dpt tido lena...

Ari isnin lepas ummi gi checkup..berat ummi bertambah lagi jadi 72jg!!!...waaa gynae ckp dia bagi can 5kg je lagi leh naik pun...ummi tak tau apa yg ummi mkn leh sampai gain weight 2 kilo dlm masa sebulan...rasanye sebab ummi tak eksesais kot..mcm pregnantkan ammar dulu dalam sebulan mesti ummi ada berjalan kaki..

erm..nampak gayanye kalau nak dpt figure yg cantik balik kene la eksesais pelan pelan dari sekarang kan?

ummi dah mula kurangkan amik nasi..heeh takut sgt gain weight...minum susu tak miss..dan mkn pil nama lain dari obimin..mender ntah nama dia...bulan lepas mkn eberate..camni kot spelling dia...gynae yg bagi memandangkan haemoglobin ummmi cuma 10.4 je...

ish preggy kali ni mcm-mcm la...oh ya..ummi baru je suntik kancing gigi...adeh...3 hari takleh ngiring ke kiri...sengal dan lenguh...

berkenaan gender...erm...dah tau dah gender ummi takde la statik beli baju kalau biru..biru je..kalau je...tak tak tak...ummi beli kaler unisex...

ummi dan abah dah jumpa nama untuk kedua-dua masih tgh main puzzle.susun susun ikut makna dan senang di panggil

nanti ummi upload perut ummi masa 7 bulan lebih ni....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Review Checkup Untuk 26 weeks...

Erm..lupa pulak nak boh kat entri entri lepas asil checkup camner..ada yang di cerita..ada yang tak kan??hehehehe...ikut dan je sebenarnye.sebab bile kat rumah nak ngadap pc jd tak larat dah...yerla kat ofis pun ngadap pc.kat rumah nak ngadap lagi..tak larat tu la..nak gak la update untuk sharing dgn kengkawan..

oh ya tragis sungguh la chckup kali ni...selasa lepas si abang menunjukkan tanda-tanda nak demam...punyerla lama tak demam..masa nak angkat dia masuk lam kete mcm biasa..terasa lengan dia panas..panas berapi...ah sudah...demam ke dia..check tempt 38.4degrees...mcm kene cuti je aku ni pres turut rasa sama badan si abang panas...jadi terpaksa la cuti..kebetulan boleh pergi checkup sekali untuk bulan ni kat klinik ammar aku timbang gak la berat aku..perghh byk naik ni..dah 70kg!!!!erm..terasa gak perut membesar dengan jayanye huhuhh...konfirm kene marah ni karang dengan doktor panel tu..terus ajak mr pres gi jumpa gynae la tempat nak bersalin sok..leh kenal-kenalan dengan gynae....sampai je spital tu org ramai sgt menunggu...28 org in waiting list...perghhh..kul baper nak settle tu?mls nak tunggu terpaksa gi panel....

dah ku agak...meman kene marah dengan doktor panel..bulan lepas dlm rekod beratku 61.8kg...tuptup bulan ni 70kg..doktor panel tu terus rhonsing dan dia suruh gi specialist...alaa...aku rasa bulan lepas punyer bacaan salah la....nurse salah baca!...sebab daku nye badan tade lanaik sgt...pastu baju kurung pun leh pakai lagi ni...kalau tgk track..bulan ke-2 berat 64kg..pastu 62kg..turun sebab takde selera makan kot...pastu naik balik 64...pastu masa bulan 5 nurse tulis 61.8kg...turun pulak kan?.pastu aku report sekali pasal pagi isnin tu discharge air jernih tak melekit dan tak likat...risau gak air ketuban ke apa...biladoktor panel tu dgr lagi la dia worried..satu sebab berat naik...satu lagi takut ketuban dah gi la specialist...check semua detail scan...berat baby....air ketuban semua ok.citer juga pasal discharge cecair tu...gynae pun check sekali la bwh tu...daripada pemeriksaan dia,dia dah agak yg cecair tu dia jadi kuar byk dan cair tu tak tau la..sbab dia ada mcm-mcm jenis.gynae sahkan daku kene candidiasis...dun worry...ada ubat..sekali pakai dah ok...erm...lagi satu dia nasihatkan cecair pembersih wanita tu tak elok...even tk preggy pun tak elok pakai...kalau nak pakai..guna lactacid pasal berat naik byk tu dia suspect nurse salah takpe...esok kene dtg puasa dari kul 12 mlm rkrg utk check kencing manis...kalau berat mendadak ni suspect kencing manis....

esoknya pulak daku dah terpacak kat specialist kul 8.20...ambil darah dan urine..lepas tu minum air gula...yak!!!tak sedap langsung...lepas 2 jam dia suruh datang tak di benarkan makan dan minum...huhuhuh laparnye...minum air kosong je aku ni huhuhuhuhuh...lepas tu ambil darah semula dan air kencing..petang tu dapat result yg aku ok..takde kencing rasa nurser salah tulis la berat last month tu....erm..kalut tulll.....

ooppss nak story telling gak...isnin lepas boleh pulak ada firedrill...dah daku tepaksa turun tangga dari tingkat 13 ke bawah....kesannya...sapai skrg 2-2 betis daku sakit mcm leps kene cramp huhuhuhuhuhuh...sadis tau!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

25 weeks pregnant

Week 25 of Pregnancy

As baby prepares to take his first breath, pesky hemorrhoids may make you swear under yours.
Let's face it, some pregnancy ailments are a real pain in the butt, especially hemorrhoids! More than half of all pregnant women experience swollen, itchy veins in the rectum due to that big old uterus pressing down — as well as to increased blood flow to the area. And while they're not dangerous to your body, hemorrhoids can be downright painful — so try your best to avoid them by eating right, doing pelvic-floor exercises (Kegel exercises) and trying not to strain when you poop. On to brighter news: Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds, reaching nine inches in length and passing the pound and a half mark. Under his skin, capillaries are forming and filling with blood and by week's end, air sacs (also lined with capillaries) will develop in his lungs, getting them ready for that first breath. Mind you, those lungs aren't ready for prime time just yet — but they are developing surfactant, a substance that will help them expand after birth. And speaking of breathing, your baby's tiny nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open and his vocal chords are getting ready to roar

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Aik tertiba je entri 25 weeks?mana weeks weeks sebelumnya?heheheh tak sempat la nak posting...byk causes..satu drpdnya..biler surfing guna broadband kat ofis lembab gile...GPRS je...padahal ofis tu kat tetengah town lagi...rumah yg kat ceruk sikit dr town tu pun dpt hsdpa tau...jadi mcm takde mood la nak surfing kat ofis...bila kat rumah pulak..clash dengan tugas rumah...ada masa free ammar kacau huhuhuh...ada masa ammar tak pres pulak guna pc...erm..camne?jadi ni peluang bebetul ada ni..gunakan je la...

ok takpe la..terus je la dgn weeks 25 ni ye...perut pun dah besar...dah nampak...dan start rasa gatal ku tahan jua utk menggaru hehehehe...skrg kalau kira dlm bulan dah 6 bulan dah...kejap tul masa berlalu..ada 3bulan lagi untuk sharing everything dengan baby ni..pasni baby kene makan sendiri..tido sendiri...mandi sendiri (tp ummi tolong la hehehe...) bukan mcm dalam pregnant ni kan...kemana saja dia ikut..apa yg kite rasa dia rasa...happy..sedih...semua dia tau kan?paling excited bila ammar berasa berdekatan perut...mcm dia tetau je abg dia ada..tempat berlindung besar nanti..

kalau kicking tu mmg dah rasa..kdg kdg tiny je...kadang-kadang terlalu kuat...bangun pepagi dia mengecil je perut ni..bila dah petang nak balik keje tu sampai la kemalam bukan main lagi besor perut ni..aktif pun memalam..mebi sebab bila kita dah baring tu...kite dpt la focus pergerakan dia..sebab kalau tak baring tu kankita sibuk buat keje la itu la ini la...mesti takde perasaan movement dia..

dah 6 bulan ni baru la berani makan durian..lama da ngidam tahan la sebab belum 6 bulan pun nak air kelapa ku tahan jua..bulan 9 maybe baru leh minum...takut huhuhuhu

masih lagi mengamalkan pemakanan sihat..dan skrg dah takleh afford byk makanan...sesikit je..sebab perut dah ketat...maggi..yg ada byak lemak trans semua ku avoid...termasuk la daging mekd ehehehehe....

ok ni pic utk preggy minggu lepas punye snap..dah nampak kan perut?heheheheeh....ini pun ada org kata perut ku kecil lagi....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

19 weeks pregnant

Week 19 of Pregnancy

Your baby's skin now has a protective coating, while you might be hoping for something to protect you from painful leg cramps.
One minute you're lying peacefully in bed and the next your calf muscle feels like it's about to explode. Leg cramps during pregnancy are pretty common (though no one knows exactly what causes them) and tend to strike at night. You might also be wondering about tingling and numbness in your fingers and toes about now. It's a weird sensation but totally normal, probably a result of your body's swelling tissues pressing on nerves. And speaking of weird, have you ever seen a mango dipped in cheese? Well, that's what your baby looks like this week due to a little growth spurt (she's about a half pound in weight and six inches long) and a substance called vernix caseosa. This greasy white stuff covers your baby's skin, protecting it from the surrounding amniotic fluid. (Without it, she'd look totally wrinkled as she entered the world.) The vernix sheds as delivery approaches, though some babies still sport a bit of the coating at birth..

Week 19 of Pregnancy: Feeling Baby Kick

Those first tiny kicks can be felt many different ways — anywhere, on average, between week 18 and week 22 — as the merest flutter or the most insistent slug.
Your sister said she felt her baby kick by this point in her pregnancy, and so did your best friend — but so far, you haven't felt a thing. Except those gas bubbles this morning…but those were gas, weren't they? Maybe, maybe not. Those first tiny kicks can be felt many different ways — anywhere, on average, between week 18 and week 22 — as the merest flutter or the most insistent slug. Or as gas bubbles that aren't gas at all (that's how I felt it that first time — and for days I was sure it was just all the dried fruit I'd been eating). Some of it has to do with a mom's size (the thinner you are, the more likely you are to feel movements earlier), some of it has to do with her muscle tone (the laxer the uterine muscles, the easier it is to feel those kicks — which is why second-timers generally feel them sooner), some has to do with the baby's position (when the baby kicks facing in, it's more difficult to perceive the movements). A due date that's off can also throw off your recognizing that momentous first kick. Don't worry — there's no mistaking the real thing once your baby gets that technique down — and gets big enough to pack a serious punch.

Sumber :

Apa yang ummi rasa!

Last week sepatutnya menulis pasal baby ni..tapi still in malas mood to blogging...hehehe...last week rasa rhonsing since ada satu mlm tu baby buat flip ke apa ntah dalam perut ni..rasa mcm tercabut sesuatu huhuh..mlm pulak tu..pastu rasa kesan flip tu..sakit la juga...masih boleh terasa sampai keesokkannye..flip tu rasa belah kiri atas sikit kat esoknye tak tunggu dah mr pres untuk gi checkup if baby ok or sebaliknya...pagi tu buat checkup padahal tarikh checkup awal bulan march rhonsing nye jugak la..lagipun setiap kali tekan pedal minyal atau brek mesti sakit perut..

pergi checkup dan bagitau semua kat doc..doc suspect kencing kotor sebab sakit tu kat bladder..buat la urine test...urine clean!..scan baby...takyah tengok heart beat..letak je scan mmg napak terus baby mcm biasa ummi nye runsing tak habis habis nak tengok gak heartbeat baby...heheh..nampakla gerak..lajunyee...pastu tgk spine semua..tengok kaki...perghh kaki gerak mcm kayuh beskal...doktor kata baby aktif..dah 2 doktor kata baby ni aktif..baru letak alat scan dia mcm menari nari..berpusing pusing..nak amik ukuran kepala pun payah..sebab baby asik pusing pusing kan kepala..takmo dok diam...hmm..aktif tul kali ni..ammar dulu tak mcm ni pun...hyperkah?jangan laa..puas avoid semua kaffein and coke ..(mmg tak minum coke pun) yg di katakan salah satu punca kekanak tu la..watak setiap anak kat berbeza beza...ok..scan lagi nak tengok gender...tak nampak...aii?dah nakm asuk 5 bulan ni still tak nampak..takpe next week ada lagi checkup..kalau mr pres ada masa nak gi wat 3d/4d scan..nak scan lagi baby yg aktif ni..

memalam pun dah leh rasa baby kick tp tak kuat..mcm ketuk ketuk je bunyinye...kdg kdg di kuis kuis nye..erm...aktif tul la...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Minggu ke 16-18

Huwargh....sebenarnye takda mood nak menulis...rasa still sama...nenantila bila mood blogging tu datang balik ..kita akan sambung semula penulisan peristiwa sepanjang minggu-minggu penuh bermakna ni....

Dah mula tau rasa moving...dan kicking yang lain sikit dari abang ammar ke..sebab saya dah lama tak merasa baby moving lam perut pastu lupa rasa dia camne hahahahaaha......

nanti-nanti la update pic keadaan ku...tiada perbezaan la....sama je cam minggu lepas...

hoppefully masa 5 bulan nanti dpt buat 3d/4d scan...nak tau gak gender ni...huhuhuhuhuhuh

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Style in 4 months!Hiks~~~

hehehe takat ni masih lagi boleh amik pic perut...cuba perati ada tak perut...itu pun kalau pakai baju kain nipis camni ..nampak la perut nye..kalau pakai baju kurung..adoi tak nampak sgt..kalau org tengok pun org ingat aku ni buncit...tak jaga perut huhuhuhuhu

16 weeks pregnant

Week 16 of Pregnancy

Your baby's eyesight (and eyelashes!) is developing rapidly, but all you might be seeing in the mirror these days is a body that looks depressingly bulky.
It's hard to watch yourself gain weight during pregnancy, even when you know there's a wonderful reason for it. The challenge, though, is to try to embrace your body's new shape and think of every pound you put on as a sign of good health for you and your baby. As long as you eat right during pregnancy (minimize junk and maximize nutrient-dense foods) and get regular exercise, you'll be fine in the long run. Remember, every woman is different and gains (and loses) at her own pace. One way to show your changing shape some love this week and feel better about yourself in the process: Buy a garment (or accessory) that makes you feel pretty at your new size (and don't forget to buy underwear that fits!). Hey, your baby's bulking up, too! He now weighs in at a whopping three to five ounces, and he's four to five inches in length. His tiny muscles, especially the ones in his back, are gaining strength, so he can straighten out a little more. And those eyes are finally working, making small side-to-side movements and perceiving light (although the eyelids are still sealed). Peek-a-boo!

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Dah masuk 4 bulan kan?tapi perut ummi cam 2 bulan ari isnin ari tu ummi mula rasa pergerakan baby yang first bagi pregnant kali ni...nak kata kick bukan kick..cuma di kuis kuis sebelah kanan perut ummi masa ummi baring mengiring ke kanan...abah pun dapat rasa baby kuis kuis..rasa yang pertama huhuhuhuh...

ummi masih takde lagi teringin benda yang pelik pelik..cuma ingat nak makan delima...masa tima ammar dulu ummi tak mkn pun delima since diorang kat ok utk preggy woman makan..ummi ingat nak carik confirm ke dpt yg manis?ummi tak suka buah delima..sebab luar dia cam tak menghairahkan ummi nak mkn..pastu dgn isinye yg merah menyala..horror pulak nak mkn huhuhuh...bukan ummi mengutuk kejadian Tuhan...just inform ummi mmg tak berapa suka mkn buah delima..ada gak buah lain yg ummi tak suka makan...ari tu masa awal preggy ada je buah delima tu kat rumah opah..tapi ummi taknak mkn...sebab td tu nye pasal ummi akan makan jua...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

15 weeks pregnant

Week 15 of Pregnancy

You might not yet be feeling it, but your baby is kicking those little legs and flexing those elbows, while — higher up — you may be coping with some dental weirdness.
Pregnancy hormones are pretty rough on your body, especially the teeth and gums, causing inflammation and making them more susceptible to plaque and bacteria. Your formerly healthy gums may have become super-sensitive and prone to bleeding.In addition, you might be coping with a chronic stuffy nose or even nosebleeds during pregnancy, also brought on by progesterone surging through your system. Fear not — it'll all pass. In the meantime, focus on how much is happening with your baby. She's about the size of an orange this week, her ears have migrated to the sides of her head, and her eyes are moving to the front of her face. Plus, your little smarty-pants can now wiggle her fingers and toes and make breathing movements in preparation for life outside the womb.

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Macam fact kat atas kata..dah mula boleh rasa baby kickking erk?tapi ummi tak rasa apa-apa pun dari baby..just mengeras dan meregang itu pun bila malam..dan bila ummi aktif berjalan...semakin lama skrg cepat sangat mengah dan ummi tak boleh berdiiri lama-lama...sebab nanti akan mengah..cepat betul rasa mengah padahal perut ummi still kecik..time ni juga dah ramai mula mengagak dan meneka gender baby...ummi tak kisah sebenarnye..apa yang di hirapkan baby ni lahir sihat..takde kuning kuning...comel..gebu...perfect...dan semakin memurahkan rezeki kite sekeluarga,...sampaikan nama baby pun ummi still tak decide lagi...tak kisah sgt...semuanya rasa macam tak excited semacam preggykan ammar dulu...bukan tak suka dgn kehadiran baby ni..suka gile...cuma excited sgt tu idak la...sebab ummi dok runsingkan sihatkah baby ini lahir nanti...perfect kah ia...ooppss...ummi berangan baby nanti ada mata yg bundar dan cantik..takyah pakai eyeliner dah cantik mcm pakai eyeliner kan...eii sukanye baby yg mata bundar ni...ahaksss

Sunday, January 18, 2009

13 weeks - 14 weeks pregnant

Week 13 of Pregnancy

As the first trimester comes to a close, your baby's about the size of peach, though you may not be feeling too peachy about your sex life right now.
When it comes to sex during pregnancy, anything goes. You may feel hotter than ever while your husband is feeling anything but. Or, he may be entranced by your ripening breasts and belly, but his eager eyes (and hands) are just about the last things you want to feel on your body right now. This is all normal and it's likely to change (and maybe change again) as you get closer to delivery. Whether you're getting any action down there — and even if you're not — there's still certainly lots going on in your nether regions. You may start to notice leukorrhea, a thin, mild-smelling milky vaginal discharge that protects the birth canal from infection and keeps the bacteria in your vagina in a healthy balance. (Okay, now do you feel sexy?) This harmless discharge is likely to increase in the coming weeks, so keep plenty of panty liners in stock. What's up with your baby? Well, that big old noggin is now about half the size of her crown-to-rump length. By the time you give birth, her body will catch up, measuring three-quarters of her total size. In other news, the intestines are beginning to move from the umbilical cord to the abdomen, and the vocal chords are well under construction (the first step toward one day saying, "I love you, Mommy!")

Apa yang ummi rasa?
kali ni selera makan dah still takleh effort big asik nak mknjee...tengahari wajib cari nasi campur...tak suka menu lain selainm enu kampung...kekampungan kah nanti baby ku ini hehehehehe....ok pe..lauk kampung murah kan?selera ke fastfood semakin menjauh...kerap betul mkn rojak sekarang since mak bekalkan kuah rojak buatan tgn dia sendiri tu sebalang...selalu la beli buah..betik la..sengkuang la...jambu la...buah buah ni je la pun..mangga jarang makan..tak baper suka sebab masam la eii....perut tgk mcm makin flat pulak...ada baby ke idak ni?huhuhuh rhonsing!!!

Week 14 of Pregnancy

It's all about hair now as your baby sprouts some on his head, eyebrows, and body. As for Mom, those first-trimester symptoms should be easing up a bit.
Welcome to the second trimester! With any luck, your breasts aren't quite as tender as they were last trimester and your energy level is making a comeback. More good news on the horizon: less morning sickness and fewer trips to the potty to pee. You might find yourself feeling pregnancy aches on the lower sides of your abdomen about now as the muscles and ligaments that support your growing uterus stretch. And though it might be a pain in the — well, lower abdomen, it's pain with a gain — and a sign that it won't be long now until your body finally starts to show that you're expecting. Meanwhile, your baby is about the size of a clenched fist and he's sporting a downy coating of hair (lanugo) that keeps him nice and warm. Not to worry — you won't give birth to a monkey; baby fat will accumulate over the next few months, keeping your baby warm and toasty — and allowing most of that hair to shed

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Sekarang dah masuk trimester ke-2 dah....tapi perut still flat ni..huwaa...jgn la benda buruk berlaku kat aku...huhuhuhu..ok kot?berry pun flat gak perut dia?bila la nak pakai uniform preggy ni...ari tu pakai..nampak kelakar la perut takde..pastu kain kat perut tu cam berlipat lipat..yerla..takde bende yg mengisi kan...mesti ada mulut mulut mengata yang aku tak sabar nak pakai baju preggy...huhuh lantok la...skarang cam takleh berdiri statik lama...mesti rasa nak pitam..padahal dah mkn...nak nak kalau ada morning talk setiap pagi isnin...pagi ni Alhamdulillah..dpt kontrol..1/2 jam berdiri ..itu pun ada rasa cam dah tak sabar nak cari kerusi...dah la kat tempat berdiri tu takde kerusi berhampiran...huhuhuhu
sekarang makin rajin gile masak...nak mkn apa je mesti terus pi masak..hahahah kelakar...jadi chef ke anakku nanti?tp tersangat la anti dgn western food...bila mr pres soh masak western food...daku tetiba jadi cam tak reti masak...huwaa....takde mood nak masak..dan mula la mcm loya dengan dapur gara-gara nak masak masakan western...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Style in 3 months!Hiks~~~

Ok...terasa la pulak kali ni nak snap pic aku setiap bulan..tengok perubahan diri...time ammar dulu snap pic perut je..kali ni..toilet tu akan ku jadikan studio hahahaahah...sapa nak layan tangkap pic perut ku ini?mr pres..alaaa...taknak la..segan la heheehehehee.....

Ni pic latest la..skarang tgh 3 bulan preggy...ada orang kat ofis ni tak nampak perut aku...ada org tak tau aku preggy...ada org tegur "eiii dah besar perut erk"....nevermind....tu semua pendapat org...mata mereka...mereka yang melihat menerusi lense mata mereka..jadi mereka sendiri la yg wat conclusion nya..biarkan saja..janji aku dan kandungan sihat kan?

selera makan semakin bertambah...asik lapar je sebab sekarang musim hujan...seriousla..lepas brekfes aku akan tapau kuih singgit..buat mkn antara waktu brekfes dan lunch...lunch krg harus kot cari rasa bosan lak nasi....tgk la karang....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

9 weeks - 12 weeks pregnant

Week 9 of Pregnancy

Your baby is busy building muscle, but all you may want to do these days is take a nice long nap.
Chances are you've never felt so tired in your life and for good reason: Your body is working overtime preparing for motherhood as it develops the placenta, your baby's lifeline. At the same time, your metabolism and hormone levels are surging, which triggers a decrease in blood sugar and blood pressure. The result of all this: pregnancy fatigue. Relief is around the corner as your energy level increases (and morning sickness decreases) over the next few weeks once placenta construction is completed. Your baby, now the size of a green olive, has grown about an inch since last week. Tiny muscles are beginning to form, so while he might not be ready to pump iron, he's gearing up to move his arms and legs. It's still too soon to feel anything in your belly, but you might be able to hear something at your next checkup. Try listening for your baby's heartbeat via a Doppler device — that welcome sound should be audible anytime now.

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Still lagi cam dulu...tiada rasa alahan yg teruk...cuma tak boleh makan banyak...sesekali tengok body kat cermin..macam makin kurus...huh takleh ni...perasaan mengidam tak teruk...rasanye cam takde lagi wat masa ni...cuma mintak mak kat kl wat sekaya dan kuah rojak buah je...nanti nak balik kl leh hangkut..ouh ya..pesan sekali soh standby kan anak pokok daun padan dan daun kunyit...waa minat pula bercucuk tanam ye..kat ofis tanam pokok "ong" tu... perasaan sensitif kuat sangat pun tak terasa pres sangat menjaga hati...seronok pula preggy kali ni..naluri masih tak dpt tangkap gender baby kali ni....malas nak expected...biarkan je...tak kisah jua kalau dpt boy...ammar ada kawan pres bertambah kawan nak ke surau....

Week 10 of Pregnancy

On your baby's to-do list this week: Build bones and cartilage. On your agenda, increase your fiber intake to cope with constipation.
All clogged up? For many moms-to-be, those pesky pregnancy hormones cause the smooth muscles of the large bowel to fall down on the job — they get sluggish and you get constipated. Whole grains and veggies can help, as can drinking lots of water and getting regular exercise. You might also be coping with headaches and newly visible veins as your body's blood supply ramps up (it'll increase by 20 to 40 percent over the course of your pregnancy!). Your veins aren't the only things expanding this week: Your baby (now the size of a prune) has small indentations on his legs (soon to be knees and ankles!), and tiny buds of baby teeth are forming under the gums. His stomach and kidneys are kicking into gear, producing digestive juices and urine, and if it's a boy, his testes are making testosterone (how manly!).

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Perut still tak nampak, bila baring lagi la...leper je...ari tu jiran tegur dah nampak perut...lately kata tak nampak pulak.....kadang kadang rasa menekan kat bladder...dah besar ke baby ummi ni?huhuhuh...bila tgk kat cermin cam buncit mmg perut b uncit hahahha...mkn seperti biasa..kadangkala bila malam mula rasa loya...muntah masih belum muntah...loya nak muntah nak gi berjalan jauh...jln jln cari mamam....seronoknya..ikan keli fevret nanti mesti ada...
ummi masih belum mengaji...asik rasa nak tido rajin betul ke dapur kali ni...

Week 11 of Pregnancy

That adorable little alien inside your tummy is starting to look human about now, as you start feeling a bit more human yourself.
Hungry? Good — that's a sign your morning sickness is easing and your appetite is gearing up to help you nourish your body…and your baby. But don't go overboard just because you're eating for two: Try to gain efficiently by choosing the most nutritious foods during pregnancy and minimizing the junk. More smart nibbling tactics: Minimize bloating and gas (caused by digestion-slowing progesterone and your growing uterus) by grazing instead of gorging and steering clear of notorious gas producers, such as beans, fried foods, soda, and sweets. Your baby (now about two inches long) has been pretty busy this week, growing hair follicles, fingernails, and ovaries (if she's a girl). She has distinct human characteristics by now, with hands and feet in front of the body, ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of her tiny nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples. Hooray!

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Time 11 weeks ni sibuk jalan ke sana ke mari cam tak preggy je...selera mkn makin still tak leh afford big portion, kalau tak preggy, budaya makan aku mmg big portion, roti canai harus dua keping, ..perubahan kat muka cam biasa, takde la naik jerawat banyak ke apa...masih tak pergi lagi wat buku merah (tp buku aku kaler biru)...gomen la kot kaler merah.....masih lagi makan folic acid ... skrg tak minat sangat dengan junk food.. suka eskrem....suka kismis....suka yg manis-manis huhuhuhh

Week 12 of Pregnancy

While it may seem as if you've doubled in size over the past few weeks, it's your baby who actually has!
By now, your baby weighs a full half-ounce and is about the size of a large plum. Most of his systems are in place, though there's still plenty of maturing to do. For one thing, his fetal digestive system is beginning to practice contraction movements so he can eat someday, and his bone marrow is busy making white blood cells — weapons against germs once he's out of your safe haven. The pituitary gland (at the base of the brain) has started producing the hormones that'll enable him (or her) to make babies of his (or her) own in a couple of decades or so. If all these changes sound dizzying, that may just be you dealing with yet another problematic pregnancy symptom: Lots of women experience occasional dizziness and/or feel faint due to progesterone, which causes increased blood flow to your baby by relaxing your own blood vessels. More blood flow to baby means less blood flow to your body and brain and that, along with typically lower blood-sugar levels during pregnancy, can set your world a-spinning. Do your part to keep your equilibrium by eating regularly, getting adequate rest, and standing up slowly.

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Minggu ke 12 ni dah mula wat buku..mula timbang berat , scan dan ambil tekanan darah

Tekanan darah = ok 110 baper ntah
Berat / Tinggi = 62kg / 168cm
Scan = Baby move masa doktor scan, heartbeat yg ok, size dlm baper mm ntah..3 something apa ntah..

Sekarang dah mula makan obimin...minum susu anmum...soya masih lum wat..ntah kenapa kali ni taknak soya kotak..nak soya wat sendiri...bukan org len wat...diri sendiri yg tak jumpa jumpa pun daun pandan...tanya jiran jiran takde pun yang tanam daun pandan...tgk kat market pun takda...dah tanam pokok daun tau la..anak dia je baru...ari ari balik keje dan weekend renjis air dan bercakap dgn pokok daun pandan tu..cepat la membesar..nakminum soya ni huhuhuh....

skarang kalau teringin nak makan je mesti masak...kelmari wat tauhu naruto + sawi taiwan .. masak dgn sos tiram..ammar yg byk mkn...kalau layan AFC tu mmg seronok sangat....