Tuesday, January 6, 2009

9 weeks - 12 weeks pregnant

Week 9 of Pregnancy

Your baby is busy building muscle, but all you may want to do these days is take a nice long nap.
Chances are you've never felt so tired in your life and for good reason: Your body is working overtime preparing for motherhood as it develops the placenta, your baby's lifeline. At the same time, your metabolism and hormone levels are surging, which triggers a decrease in blood sugar and blood pressure. The result of all this: pregnancy fatigue. Relief is around the corner as your energy level increases (and morning sickness decreases) over the next few weeks once placenta construction is completed. Your baby, now the size of a green olive, has grown about an inch since last week. Tiny muscles are beginning to form, so while he might not be ready to pump iron, he's gearing up to move his arms and legs. It's still too soon to feel anything in your belly, but you might be able to hear something at your next checkup. Try listening for your baby's heartbeat via a Doppler device — that welcome sound should be audible anytime now.

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Still lagi cam dulu...tiada rasa alahan yg teruk...cuma tak boleh makan banyak...sesekali tengok body kat cermin..macam makin kurus...huh takleh ni...perasaan mengidam tak teruk...rasanye cam takde lagi wat masa ni...cuma mintak mak kat kl wat sekaya dan kuah rojak buah je...nanti nak balik kl leh hangkut..ouh ya..pesan sekali soh standby kan anak pokok daun padan dan daun kunyit...waa minat pula bercucuk tanam ye..kat ofis tanam pokok "ong" tu... perasaan sensitif kuat sangat pun tak terasa sangat...mr pres sangat menjaga hati...seronok pula preggy kali ni..naluri masih tak dpt tangkap gender baby kali ni....malas nak expected...biarkan je...tak kisah jua kalau dpt boy...ammar ada kawan ...mr pres bertambah kawan nak ke surau....

Week 10 of Pregnancy

On your baby's to-do list this week: Build bones and cartilage. On your agenda, increase your fiber intake to cope with constipation.
All clogged up? For many moms-to-be, those pesky pregnancy hormones cause the smooth muscles of the large bowel to fall down on the job — they get sluggish and you get constipated. Whole grains and veggies can help, as can drinking lots of water and getting regular exercise. You might also be coping with headaches and newly visible veins as your body's blood supply ramps up (it'll increase by 20 to 40 percent over the course of your pregnancy!). Your veins aren't the only things expanding this week: Your baby (now the size of a prune) has small indentations on his legs (soon to be knees and ankles!), and tiny buds of baby teeth are forming under the gums. His stomach and kidneys are kicking into gear, producing digestive juices and urine, and if it's a boy, his testes are making testosterone (how manly!).

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Perut still tak nampak, bila baring lagi la...leper je...ari tu jiran tegur dah nampak perut...lately kata tak nampak pulak.....kadang kadang rasa menekan kat bladder...dah besar ke baby ummi ni?huhuhuh...bila tgk kat cermin cam buncit sikit...ke mmg perut b uncit hahahha...mkn seperti biasa..kadangkala bila malam mula rasa loya...muntah masih belum muntah...loya nak muntah ada...ni nak gi berjalan jauh...jln jln cari mamam....seronoknya..ikan keli fevret nanti mesti ada...
ummi masih belum mengaji...asik rasa nak tido je....tp rajin betul ke dapur kali ni...

Week 11 of Pregnancy

That adorable little alien inside your tummy is starting to look human about now, as you start feeling a bit more human yourself.
Hungry? Good — that's a sign your morning sickness is easing and your appetite is gearing up to help you nourish your body…and your baby. But don't go overboard just because you're eating for two: Try to gain efficiently by choosing the most nutritious foods during pregnancy and minimizing the junk. More smart nibbling tactics: Minimize bloating and gas (caused by digestion-slowing progesterone and your growing uterus) by grazing instead of gorging and steering clear of notorious gas producers, such as beans, fried foods, soda, and sweets. Your baby (now about two inches long) has been pretty busy this week, growing hair follicles, fingernails, and ovaries (if she's a girl). She has distinct human characteristics by now, with hands and feet in front of the body, ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of her tiny nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples. Hooray!

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Time 11 weeks ni sibuk jalan ke sana ke mari cam tak preggy je...selera mkn makin ok..tp still tak leh afford big portion, kalau tak preggy, budaya makan aku mmg big portion, roti canai harus dua keping, ..perubahan kat muka cam biasa, takde la naik jerawat banyak ke apa...masih tak pergi lagi wat buku merah (tp buku aku kaler biru)...gomen la kot kaler merah.....masih lagi makan folic acid ... skrg tak minat sangat dengan junk food.. suka eskrem....suka kismis....suka yg manis-manis huhuhuhh

Week 12 of Pregnancy

While it may seem as if you've doubled in size over the past few weeks, it's your baby who actually has!
By now, your baby weighs a full half-ounce and is about the size of a large plum. Most of his systems are in place, though there's still plenty of maturing to do. For one thing, his fetal digestive system is beginning to practice contraction movements so he can eat someday, and his bone marrow is busy making white blood cells — weapons against germs once he's out of your safe haven. The pituitary gland (at the base of the brain) has started producing the hormones that'll enable him (or her) to make babies of his (or her) own in a couple of decades or so. If all these changes sound dizzying, that may just be you dealing with yet another problematic pregnancy symptom: Lots of women experience occasional dizziness and/or feel faint due to progesterone, which causes increased blood flow to your baby by relaxing your own blood vessels. More blood flow to baby means less blood flow to your body and brain and that, along with typically lower blood-sugar levels during pregnancy, can set your world a-spinning. Do your part to keep your equilibrium by eating regularly, getting adequate rest, and standing up slowly.

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Minggu ke 12 ni dah mula wat buku..mula timbang berat , scan dan ambil tekanan darah

Tekanan darah = ok 110 baper ntah
Berat / Tinggi = 62kg / 168cm
Scan = Baby move masa doktor scan, heartbeat yg ok, size dlm baper mm ntah..3 something apa ntah..

Sekarang dah mula makan obimin...minum susu anmum...soya masih lum wat..ntah kenapa kali ni taknak soya kotak..nak soya wat sendiri...bukan org len wat...diri sendiri yg wat...tp tak jumpa jumpa pun daun pandan...tanya jiran jiran takde pun yang tanam daun pandan...tgk kat market pun takda...dah tanam pokok daun pandan..tp tau la..anak dia je baru...ari ari balik keje dan weekend renjis air dan bercakap dgn pokok daun pandan tu..cepat la membesar..nakminum soya ni huhuhuh....

skarang kalau teringin nak makan je mesti masak...kelmari wat tauhu naruto + sawi taiwan .. masak dgn sos tiram..ammar yg byk mkn...kalau layan AFC tu mmg seronok sangat....

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