Thursday, January 29, 2009

15 weeks pregnant

Week 15 of Pregnancy

You might not yet be feeling it, but your baby is kicking those little legs and flexing those elbows, while — higher up — you may be coping with some dental weirdness.
Pregnancy hormones are pretty rough on your body, especially the teeth and gums, causing inflammation and making them more susceptible to plaque and bacteria. Your formerly healthy gums may have become super-sensitive and prone to bleeding.In addition, you might be coping with a chronic stuffy nose or even nosebleeds during pregnancy, also brought on by progesterone surging through your system. Fear not — it'll all pass. In the meantime, focus on how much is happening with your baby. She's about the size of an orange this week, her ears have migrated to the sides of her head, and her eyes are moving to the front of her face. Plus, your little smarty-pants can now wiggle her fingers and toes and make breathing movements in preparation for life outside the womb.

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Macam fact kat atas kata..dah mula boleh rasa baby kickking erk?tapi ummi tak rasa apa-apa pun dari baby..just mengeras dan meregang itu pun bila malam..dan bila ummi aktif berjalan...semakin lama skrg cepat sangat mengah dan ummi tak boleh berdiiri lama-lama...sebab nanti akan mengah..cepat betul rasa mengah padahal perut ummi still kecik..time ni juga dah ramai mula mengagak dan meneka gender baby...ummi tak kisah sebenarnye..apa yang di hirapkan baby ni lahir sihat..takde kuning kuning...comel..gebu...perfect...dan semakin memurahkan rezeki kite sekeluarga,...sampaikan nama baby pun ummi still tak decide lagi...tak kisah sgt...semuanya rasa macam tak excited semacam preggykan ammar dulu...bukan tak suka dgn kehadiran baby ni..suka gile...cuma excited sgt tu idak la...sebab ummi dok runsingkan sihatkah baby ini lahir nanti...perfect kah ia...ooppss...ummi berangan baby nanti ada mata yg bundar dan cantik..takyah pakai eyeliner dah cantik mcm pakai eyeliner kan...eii sukanye baby yg mata bundar ni...ahaksss

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