Sunday, January 18, 2009

13 weeks - 14 weeks pregnant

Week 13 of Pregnancy

As the first trimester comes to a close, your baby's about the size of peach, though you may not be feeling too peachy about your sex life right now.
When it comes to sex during pregnancy, anything goes. You may feel hotter than ever while your husband is feeling anything but. Or, he may be entranced by your ripening breasts and belly, but his eager eyes (and hands) are just about the last things you want to feel on your body right now. This is all normal and it's likely to change (and maybe change again) as you get closer to delivery. Whether you're getting any action down there — and even if you're not — there's still certainly lots going on in your nether regions. You may start to notice leukorrhea, a thin, mild-smelling milky vaginal discharge that protects the birth canal from infection and keeps the bacteria in your vagina in a healthy balance. (Okay, now do you feel sexy?) This harmless discharge is likely to increase in the coming weeks, so keep plenty of panty liners in stock. What's up with your baby? Well, that big old noggin is now about half the size of her crown-to-rump length. By the time you give birth, her body will catch up, measuring three-quarters of her total size. In other news, the intestines are beginning to move from the umbilical cord to the abdomen, and the vocal chords are well under construction (the first step toward one day saying, "I love you, Mommy!")

Apa yang ummi rasa?
kali ni selera makan dah still takleh effort big asik nak mknjee...tengahari wajib cari nasi campur...tak suka menu lain selainm enu kampung...kekampungan kah nanti baby ku ini hehehehehe....ok pe..lauk kampung murah kan?selera ke fastfood semakin menjauh...kerap betul mkn rojak sekarang since mak bekalkan kuah rojak buatan tgn dia sendiri tu sebalang...selalu la beli buah..betik la..sengkuang la...jambu la...buah buah ni je la pun..mangga jarang makan..tak baper suka sebab masam la eii....perut tgk mcm makin flat pulak...ada baby ke idak ni?huhuhuh rhonsing!!!

Week 14 of Pregnancy

It's all about hair now as your baby sprouts some on his head, eyebrows, and body. As for Mom, those first-trimester symptoms should be easing up a bit.
Welcome to the second trimester! With any luck, your breasts aren't quite as tender as they were last trimester and your energy level is making a comeback. More good news on the horizon: less morning sickness and fewer trips to the potty to pee. You might find yourself feeling pregnancy aches on the lower sides of your abdomen about now as the muscles and ligaments that support your growing uterus stretch. And though it might be a pain in the — well, lower abdomen, it's pain with a gain — and a sign that it won't be long now until your body finally starts to show that you're expecting. Meanwhile, your baby is about the size of a clenched fist and he's sporting a downy coating of hair (lanugo) that keeps him nice and warm. Not to worry — you won't give birth to a monkey; baby fat will accumulate over the next few months, keeping your baby warm and toasty — and allowing most of that hair to shed

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Sekarang dah masuk trimester ke-2 dah....tapi perut still flat ni..huwaa...jgn la benda buruk berlaku kat aku...huhuhuhu..ok kot?berry pun flat gak perut dia?bila la nak pakai uniform preggy ni...ari tu pakai..nampak kelakar la perut takde..pastu kain kat perut tu cam berlipat lipat..yerla..takde bende yg mengisi kan...mesti ada mulut mulut mengata yang aku tak sabar nak pakai baju preggy...huhuh lantok la...skarang cam takleh berdiri statik lama...mesti rasa nak pitam..padahal dah mkn...nak nak kalau ada morning talk setiap pagi isnin...pagi ni Alhamdulillah..dpt kontrol..1/2 jam berdiri ..itu pun ada rasa cam dah tak sabar nak cari kerusi...dah la kat tempat berdiri tu takde kerusi berhampiran...huhuhuhu
sekarang makin rajin gile masak...nak mkn apa je mesti terus pi masak..hahahah kelakar...jadi chef ke anakku nanti?tp tersangat la anti dgn western food...bila mr pres soh masak western food...daku tetiba jadi cam tak reti masak...huwaa....takde mood nak masak..dan mula la mcm loya dengan dapur gara-gara nak masak masakan western...

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