Friday, May 29, 2009

Anak sulung vs anak ke-2

Waaa tajuk macam dua org anak sedang bergaduh je kan...
hehehe sebenarnye idak...cuma nak citer je perbezaan mengandungkan 2 org anak ni...masa awak preggy second baby ari tu takleh nak citer sgt sebab belum menjalani minggu sepenuhnye kali ni dah 33 weeks dah boleh la nampak perbezaan pregnant kedua dua nye...

Ini pic masa preggy kan Ammar..yakni anak sulung..hehee tecit je perut sampai nak dkt due masih boleh berbaju kurung
Perubahan yang berlaku:-
- Sejuk sangat len panas kite sejuk
- Tak lalu mkn..mkn je rasa nak muntah
- Tapi tak penah muntah pun
- Awal-awal preggy takleh bau dapur dan toilet...sabun lam toilet harus tukar..wangi wangi semua rasa mcm bau busuk..uwek...mmg busuk dan kalau di idu lelama sakit kepala jadinye..
-Dekat 3 bulan la tak masak..sebab takleh masak...asal ke dapur je bau dapur tu busuk semacam...sampai bau rumah pun rasa busuk..
-Bau mr pres pun rasa busuk heheeeh...sory bie...
-Mengidam kari ayam mak kat kl..huhuh dapat..
-Ari-ari belasah roti canai dan teh ais, tengahari pulak nasi tu la..berat naik sekilo ..sekilo....semua sekali 10 kilo je naik sepanjang pregnant...sebelum pregnant berat 64....berat masa due 74...3 hari lepas bersalin dpt balik berat 64 tu..
-Minum soya berkotak-kotak..susu semua boleh accept..sedap je rasanye semua makanan masa tu
-Gatal-gatal kat seluruh badan...perut nye kaler pun tak cantik..mcm merah kene bakar je...
- Takde mood nak mekap..melawa...sempoi je time preggy kan ammar ni
- 6 bulan kaki dah mengembang dgn jayanya..jari jari pun kembang
- Kurang minum air kosong
- Tak kisah pun kalau mr pres asik keje je...

Ok ini pula pic masa preggy kan anak nombor 2 ni...asik nak melawa je kejenye...

Perubahan yang berlaku
- Takde alah apa-apa pun
- Tak muntah muntah
- Semua bau wangi adalah sedap
- Bau mr pres pun sedap ermmmm
- Boleh masak...rajin gile masak...asal teringin nak makan sesuatu je nak masak
- Tetiba gile mekap..nak eyeliner la...pastu tak minat pakai sandal pregnant...nak gak pakai kasut tumit terpaksa suurender bila dah masuk 6 bulan...kaki dah mula cam kembang sampai skrg masih nampak lagi urat-urat kaki..
- Jari tangan masih runcing walaupun dah 33 weeks
- Kurang eksesais berani tu drive dgn ammar berdua ke kl pada usia kandung 7 bulan
- Menjaga sangat makanan..kaffein tak amik...air gas sekali sekala...ais tak amik banyak gile minum air kosong
- Selalu pikir apa la yg teringin nak takde apa pun yg di teringinkan
-Penyakit jeles kat mr pres menjadi jadi..sampai terbawak- bawak lam mimpi..

Ok..byk tak beza?byk gak kan?huhuhuhuh...bole teka ke baby girl ke baby boy?

I am in My 33rd Week Of Pregnancy

How big is your baby?
Your baby will be weighing in at around 4.23 pounds (1.918kg) and measuring 17.20 inches (43.7cm).

How big are you?
Your uterus now sits about 5.11 inches (13cm) above your bellybutton and about 12.99 inches (33cm) above your pubic symphysis. Your total weight gain by now should be about 21.82-27.77 pounds (9.9-12.6 kg).

Depending on how big your baby is, you may be feeling uncomfortable in different ways. If your baby is sitting quite high up, then there is a good chance that you would have already been kicked under your ribs. This can be extremely painful!

It is also not uncommon for babies to be low and lying in your pelvis by this stage. This can sometimes lead to sciatic nerve pain, which it when your baby is causing pressure to be place on the sciatic nerve. This may leave you feeling pins and needles in your lower back, legs and feet.

How is your baby developing and growing
Your baby may begin to practice sucking this week by sucking on his/her fingers.

  • Your baby will continue to deposit fat under the skin this week as he/she will continue to gain weight.
  • As a result of the fat deposits, your baby's skin will be changing color from red to pink.

Your Nutrition
Continue to eat the correct foods in order to ensure that your weight gain is good and that you are getting the correct amount of nutritional value.

You may find that you will begin to experience heartburn more often as your stomach doesn't have as much space as your baby is getting bigger. Eating smaller meals more often may help ease heartburn. For more ways read our article on reducing heart burn during pregnancy.

Ensure that you wash all fruits and vegetable prior to preparing. This will help reduce the amount of pesticides and food preservatives you will be taking in, as these chemicals will be harmful to your baby

Apa Yang Ummi rasa?

Hari ni ummi gi checkup nak tengok baby laaaa..dalam scan je...bulanye kepala...mcm tembam je pipi...tgk mcm dah tak aktif dia gerak gerak la..takde la nak rasa kicking mcm dulu..maybe dah takde ruang...tapi bwh rusuk ni mmg selalu la rasa di geletek dan sedikit sakit..heheheh it's ok..perasaan yg indah bila pregnant..

Tadi tengok heartbeat ok, tulang spine ok, tulang peha..air ketuban..semuanye ok..kepala baby ke bawah..doc ukut lilit perut lagi dgn tali tape..saiz perut sesuai dgn minggu ke ignore saje ckp ckp org yg kata "eh besarnye perut ye..." " kecik je perut" masing-masing nye pendapat...ada pulak tu siap ckp lagi perut dah turun...heheeheh..itu yg ummi tak percaya..ummi percaya ckp opah..opah kata kalau kita boleh letak 3 jari kite dia bawah breast itu baru betul baby dah turun..sekarang satu jari pun belum lepas...

tadi ummi buat blood test gak..result time tu juga dpt..tup tup hb tinggi 16.5.erm..doc kata maybe supplement..last supplement yg ummi amik sangolion..camtu la kot ejaan nye..menambahkan hb katanya...pastu doc kata mesin dia pun ada sikit its ok..doc kata ok je..erm tak sabar la nak bersalin...hopeflly selamat semuanya dan baby lahir dgn nanti kita mesti dah tak haring apa-apa lagi kene main dgn abang ammar pulak la ;)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I am in My 32nd Week Of Pregnancy

How big is your baby?
Your baby will be weighing in at around 3.75 pounds (1.702kg) and measuring 16.69 inches (42.4cm).

How big are you?
Your uterus now sits about 4.72 inches (12cm) above your bellybutton and about 12.59 inches (32cm) above your pubic

How is your baby developing and growing

You may begin to experience back pain now. Back pain is generally caused by weak stomach muscles, as this will force you to push your shoulders back in order to support your growing uterus.

This week your baby will :

Be able to register on all five of his/her senses.
Your baby's iris, which is the colored part of the eye, will open in darker light and close in brighter light.
Your baby's toe nails should be completely formed by now.

Changes In You
By now I am sure that you would have already started to experience Braxton Hicks - which are the early practice contractions your body uses to start preparing for labor. It is important that you understand the difference between real labor contractions and Braxton hicks, as this will mean you are able to tell the difference between the real lobor signs and pre-term labor signs.

Braxton hicks can be extremely uncomfortable at times, and there are a number of ways in which you can help relieve them:

Drink lots of water
Avoid Caffeine
Use this time to practice breathing techniques
Try and maintain an empty bladder

Your Nutrition
Should you be expecting twins or multiples, then you should be paying special attention to your nutrition and weight gain. Food will always be your best source of nutrition, but it will be even more important for you to take your prenatal vitamins.

IShould your weight gain in the early stages of your pregnancy not be sufficient, then you will stand a higher chance of developing pre-eclampsia or your baby being born a little too small. Your health care provider will keep tabs on your weight gain and he/she will inform you if your weight gain is too low or too high.

Your target weight gain, if you are carrying more than one baby, will be about 45 pounds, so don't be alarmed when your health care provider tells you what he wants your total weight gain to be.

Getting Prepared
If you have not already done so, now would be a good time to start packing your hospital bag - if you are having a hospital birth - or at least thinking about what you are going to need. Now is a good time to gather what you require, because anything could start happening in the next few weeks, and there is nothing worse than arriving at the hospital and realizing that you have forgotten most of what you need

Apa yang Ummi rasa?

Perut pun dah semakin besar....berat sgt rasanya nak membawa baby ke hulu ke hilir..tapi ummi seronok...erm cuma tak seronok je kat ofis org org lelaki menegur keadaan perut ummi..besar la...eii besarnye...eiii...apa bini diorang tak pernah mengandung ke?sabor...sabor....ummi senyum je kalau diorang dok tanya dan tegur perut ummi..janji baby sihat kat dalam kan?

Sekarang ni nak tido mls tak dpt tido dgn lena...kalau bebetul penat je baru dpt tido lena...kalau tak mmg asik terjaga...telentang rasa mengah...mengiring rasa baby kick..maybe baby tak selesa kot bila ummi mengiring...ada sorang officemate tegur ummi nampak cengkung..tak cukup tido ke...dari situ ummi terfikir mmg lately ummi tak dpt tido lena...

Ari isnin lepas ummi gi checkup..berat ummi bertambah lagi jadi 72jg!!!...waaa gynae ckp dia bagi can 5kg je lagi leh naik pun...ummi tak tau apa yg ummi mkn leh sampai gain weight 2 kilo dlm masa sebulan...rasanye sebab ummi tak eksesais kot..mcm pregnantkan ammar dulu dalam sebulan mesti ummi ada berjalan kaki..

erm..nampak gayanye kalau nak dpt figure yg cantik balik kene la eksesais pelan pelan dari sekarang kan?

ummi dah mula kurangkan amik nasi..heeh takut sgt gain weight...minum susu tak miss..dan mkn pil nama lain dari obimin..mender ntah nama dia...bulan lepas mkn eberate..camni kot spelling dia...gynae yg bagi memandangkan haemoglobin ummmi cuma 10.4 je...

ish preggy kali ni mcm-mcm la...oh ya..ummi baru je suntik kancing gigi...adeh...3 hari takleh ngiring ke kiri...sengal dan lenguh...

berkenaan gender...erm...dah tau dah gender ummi takde la statik beli baju kalau biru..biru je..kalau je...tak tak tak...ummi beli kaler unisex...

ummi dan abah dah jumpa nama untuk kedua-dua masih tgh main puzzle.susun susun ikut makna dan senang di panggil

nanti ummi upload perut ummi masa 7 bulan lebih ni....