Tuesday, February 3, 2009

16 weeks pregnant

Week 16 of Pregnancy

Your baby's eyesight (and eyelashes!) is developing rapidly, but all you might be seeing in the mirror these days is a body that looks depressingly bulky.
It's hard to watch yourself gain weight during pregnancy, even when you know there's a wonderful reason for it. The challenge, though, is to try to embrace your body's new shape and think of every pound you put on as a sign of good health for you and your baby. As long as you eat right during pregnancy (minimize junk and maximize nutrient-dense foods) and get regular exercise, you'll be fine in the long run. Remember, every woman is different and gains (and loses) at her own pace. One way to show your changing shape some love this week and feel better about yourself in the process: Buy a garment (or accessory) that makes you feel pretty at your new size (and don't forget to buy underwear that fits!). Hey, your baby's bulking up, too! He now weighs in at a whopping three to five ounces, and he's four to five inches in length. His tiny muscles, especially the ones in his back, are gaining strength, so he can straighten out a little more. And those eyes are finally working, making small side-to-side movements and perceiving light (although the eyelids are still sealed). Peek-a-boo!

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Dah masuk 4 bulan kan?tapi perut ummi cam 2 bulan jer...huhuhuh...rhonsing...tp ari isnin ari tu ummi mula rasa pergerakan baby yang first bagi pregnant kali ni...nak kata kick bukan kick..cuma di kuis kuis sebelah kanan perut ummi masa ummi baring mengiring ke kanan...abah pun dapat rasa baby kuis kuis..rasa yang pertama huhuhuhuh...

ummi masih takde lagi teringin benda yang pelik pelik..cuma ingat nak makan delima...masa tima ammar dulu ummi tak mkn pun delima ni..tp since diorang kat ok utk preggy woman makan..ummi ingat nak carik la..tp confirm ke dpt yg manis?ummi tak suka buah delima..sebab luar dia cam tak menghairahkan ummi nak mkn..pastu dgn isinye yg merah menyala..horror pulak nak mkn huhuhuh...bukan ummi mengutuk kejadian Tuhan...just inform ummi mmg tak berapa suka mkn buah delima..ada gak buah lain yg ummi tak suka makan...ari tu masa awal preggy ada je buah delima tu kat rumah opah..tapi ummi taknak mkn...sebab td tu la...takpe..baby nye pasal ummi akan makan jua...

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