Sunday, February 22, 2009

19 weeks pregnant

Week 19 of Pregnancy

Your baby's skin now has a protective coating, while you might be hoping for something to protect you from painful leg cramps.
One minute you're lying peacefully in bed and the next your calf muscle feels like it's about to explode. Leg cramps during pregnancy are pretty common (though no one knows exactly what causes them) and tend to strike at night. You might also be wondering about tingling and numbness in your fingers and toes about now. It's a weird sensation but totally normal, probably a result of your body's swelling tissues pressing on nerves. And speaking of weird, have you ever seen a mango dipped in cheese? Well, that's what your baby looks like this week due to a little growth spurt (she's about a half pound in weight and six inches long) and a substance called vernix caseosa. This greasy white stuff covers your baby's skin, protecting it from the surrounding amniotic fluid. (Without it, she'd look totally wrinkled as she entered the world.) The vernix sheds as delivery approaches, though some babies still sport a bit of the coating at birth..

Week 19 of Pregnancy: Feeling Baby Kick

Those first tiny kicks can be felt many different ways — anywhere, on average, between week 18 and week 22 — as the merest flutter or the most insistent slug.
Your sister said she felt her baby kick by this point in her pregnancy, and so did your best friend — but so far, you haven't felt a thing. Except those gas bubbles this morning…but those were gas, weren't they? Maybe, maybe not. Those first tiny kicks can be felt many different ways — anywhere, on average, between week 18 and week 22 — as the merest flutter or the most insistent slug. Or as gas bubbles that aren't gas at all (that's how I felt it that first time — and for days I was sure it was just all the dried fruit I'd been eating). Some of it has to do with a mom's size (the thinner you are, the more likely you are to feel movements earlier), some of it has to do with her muscle tone (the laxer the uterine muscles, the easier it is to feel those kicks — which is why second-timers generally feel them sooner), some has to do with the baby's position (when the baby kicks facing in, it's more difficult to perceive the movements). A due date that's off can also throw off your recognizing that momentous first kick. Don't worry — there's no mistaking the real thing once your baby gets that technique down — and gets big enough to pack a serious punch.

Sumber :

Apa yang ummi rasa!

Last week sepatutnya menulis pasal baby ni..tapi still in malas mood to blogging...hehehe...last week rasa rhonsing since ada satu mlm tu baby buat flip ke apa ntah dalam perut ni..rasa mcm tercabut sesuatu huhuh..mlm pulak tu..pastu rasa kesan flip tu..sakit la juga...masih boleh terasa sampai keesokkannye..flip tu rasa belah kiri atas sikit kat esoknye tak tunggu dah mr pres untuk gi checkup if baby ok or sebaliknya...pagi tu buat checkup padahal tarikh checkup awal bulan march rhonsing nye jugak la..lagipun setiap kali tekan pedal minyal atau brek mesti sakit perut..

pergi checkup dan bagitau semua kat doc..doc suspect kencing kotor sebab sakit tu kat bladder..buat la urine test...urine clean!..scan baby...takyah tengok heart beat..letak je scan mmg napak terus baby mcm biasa ummi nye runsing tak habis habis nak tengok gak heartbeat baby...heheh..nampakla gerak..lajunyee...pastu tgk spine semua..tengok kaki...perghh kaki gerak mcm kayuh beskal...doktor kata baby aktif..dah 2 doktor kata baby ni aktif..baru letak alat scan dia mcm menari nari..berpusing pusing..nak amik ukuran kepala pun payah..sebab baby asik pusing pusing kan kepala..takmo dok diam...hmm..aktif tul kali ni..ammar dulu tak mcm ni pun...hyperkah?jangan laa..puas avoid semua kaffein and coke ..(mmg tak minum coke pun) yg di katakan salah satu punca kekanak tu la..watak setiap anak kat berbeza beza...ok..scan lagi nak tengok gender...tak nampak...aii?dah nakm asuk 5 bulan ni still tak nampak..takpe next week ada lagi checkup..kalau mr pres ada masa nak gi wat 3d/4d scan..nak scan lagi baby yg aktif ni..

memalam pun dah leh rasa baby kick tp tak kuat..mcm ketuk ketuk je bunyinye...kdg kdg di kuis kuis nye..erm...aktif tul la...

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