Thursday, December 4, 2008

8 Weeks Pregnant

As your baby starts moving in the womb, morning sickness (which doesn't just strike in the morning) may have you moving to the bathroom.
While you're not exactly showing yet, chances are your clothes are feeling a little tight around the tummy and you might need a bigger bra. You may also be feeling perpetually queasy. But take heart — your baby feels just fine even while you're hugging the bowl with morning sickness. Try to eat often, but only a little at a time. That should also help your body battle another stubborn woe coming your way soon: pregnancy heartburn. Most likely, you'll find relief as you move into your second trimester, but for now, try to focus on the positive: Your raspberry-sized baby is looking a lot less reptilian and a lot more baby-like, as her lips, nose, eyelids, legs, and back continue to take shape. Her heart is beating at the incredible rate of 150 times per minute — about twice as fast as yours! And even though you can't yet feel it, she's now making spontaneous movements as she twitches her tiny trunk and limb buds.

Sekarang aku dah 8 minggu pregnant....still belum rasa lagi morning sickness or nak craving mkn itu ini....still aktif memasak di dapur...masih menjalan rutin seperti biasa...cuma perut senang masuk angin...lately ni sampai sakit sakit perut bila dah masuk angin..nak kata aku skip mkn idak doktor kata memang standard..aku pi jumpa doc sebab tak tahan sgt angin penuh lam perut ni..mintak ubat buang angin...mcm kes ammar dulu la...balik je dr klinik...penyakit angin tu hilang...skarang aku mkn sikit tp byk kali...tak mcm dulu sebelum pregnant..mkn sekali byk...tengahari skip....mlm makan sikit..ini diet punye kes hehehe...dah preggy ni takkan nak diet pula kan...aku pun ingat this weekend nak cari susu...kacang soya...bajet nak wat sendiri la susu kacang soya ni...pastu simpan byk byk lam esbok..ammar leh join sekaki kan?

Jari ummi nak taip : bila la nak rasa craving something ni?nak bg abah menggelabah!

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