Thursday, July 2, 2009

I am in My 39th Week Of Pregnancy

How Big is your Baby
Your baby will be weighing in at around 3.288kg (7.25 pounds) and measuring 50.7cm (19.96 inches).

How big are you
Your uterus now sits about 16-20 cm above your bellybutton and about 36-40cm above your pubic symphysis.

How is your baby developing and growing
Your baby will continue to gain weight while he is still inside the uterus, although the rate of growth is very slow.
All his/her organ systems are now in place and capable of functioning on their own

Your Nutrition
If you are going to be breast feeding your baby, you may be concerned about your nutrition levels and what is best for you to eat. You may be advised to eat an extra 500 calories per day, as on average a breast feeding mother usually secretes about 425 to 700 calories into her beast milk everyday.

The extra calories can be gained from eating the following:
This Week with Dr Miriam Stoppard

Bread/cereal/past/rice 9 servings/day
Milk/cheese/dairy 3 servings/day
Fruits 4 servings/day
Vegetables 5 servings/day

You will also want to avoid foods that can cause gas, such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and spicy foods.

Apa yang ummi rasa?

Waaa..39weks ofis kata perut ummi dah turun..jalan pun dah mcm ozzy boo huhuhuh..rasa nyeri nyeri kat bwh tu semakin kerap..pastu mesti nak terkencing far adik ammar punyer movement pun baik...ummi selalu keep track kat carta yg doc bg tu...10 pergerakan dalam masa 12 jam..

Last checkup ummi pergi kat spital ..tempat lahir abg ammar dulu..adik ammar pun lahir situ nanti ..InsyaAllah...masa checkup semuanya ok..air ketuban...ummi dpt tgk muka adik ammar...waa tembamnye pipi...warisan sapa ni?sebab ummi dgn abah takde la tembam kan?..huhuhu...muka jenis cengkung...pastu dpt tgk jantung dan injap..tgk lagi gender..tak pueh hati la main sorok-sorok....berat dia pun dah 3.1kg..waaa memecahkan rekod abang diaso skrg dah nampak dah hehehheh...InsyaAllah....moga-moga benar la apa yang gynae bgtau tu...berat ummi skarang dah 77..fuh....dulu ammar 74 dah bersalin dah...xtra 3kg ni...adik ammar cukup mkn eh?ke terlebih mkn?fuh lepas pantang sok pose pulak..harap-harap dpt balik figure org ofis ummi kata perut ummi je kedepan..part lain tak kaki pun dah membengkak ni..cincin takleh pakai dah....

sekarang bila kat rumah ummi dah takde masa nak tgk internet...sebok mengemas..tak tau apa yg di kemaskan...ntah..ada aje yg ummi buat housekeeping..pastu kul 10 lebih dah flat...tido ..sekali dgn ammar...

semua barang-barang dah siap di beli...tak sempat nak snap apa yg dah beli sebab ada separuh drnya dah di pack dan simpan lam keta..

harap semua pembaca sunyi doakan saya di permudahkan dalam urusan melahirkan khalifah kecil ini...oooppsss..nama tak cari lagi ni?

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