Friday, May 29, 2009

I am in My 33rd Week Of Pregnancy

How big is your baby?
Your baby will be weighing in at around 4.23 pounds (1.918kg) and measuring 17.20 inches (43.7cm).

How big are you?
Your uterus now sits about 5.11 inches (13cm) above your bellybutton and about 12.99 inches (33cm) above your pubic symphysis. Your total weight gain by now should be about 21.82-27.77 pounds (9.9-12.6 kg).

Depending on how big your baby is, you may be feeling uncomfortable in different ways. If your baby is sitting quite high up, then there is a good chance that you would have already been kicked under your ribs. This can be extremely painful!

It is also not uncommon for babies to be low and lying in your pelvis by this stage. This can sometimes lead to sciatic nerve pain, which it when your baby is causing pressure to be place on the sciatic nerve. This may leave you feeling pins and needles in your lower back, legs and feet.

How is your baby developing and growing
Your baby may begin to practice sucking this week by sucking on his/her fingers.

  • Your baby will continue to deposit fat under the skin this week as he/she will continue to gain weight.
  • As a result of the fat deposits, your baby's skin will be changing color from red to pink.

Your Nutrition
Continue to eat the correct foods in order to ensure that your weight gain is good and that you are getting the correct amount of nutritional value.

You may find that you will begin to experience heartburn more often as your stomach doesn't have as much space as your baby is getting bigger. Eating smaller meals more often may help ease heartburn. For more ways read our article on reducing heart burn during pregnancy.

Ensure that you wash all fruits and vegetable prior to preparing. This will help reduce the amount of pesticides and food preservatives you will be taking in, as these chemicals will be harmful to your baby

Apa Yang Ummi rasa?

Hari ni ummi gi checkup nak tengok baby laaaa..dalam scan je...bulanye kepala...mcm tembam je pipi...tgk mcm dah tak aktif dia gerak gerak la..takde la nak rasa kicking mcm dulu..maybe dah takde ruang...tapi bwh rusuk ni mmg selalu la rasa di geletek dan sedikit sakit..heheheh it's ok..perasaan yg indah bila pregnant..

Tadi tengok heartbeat ok, tulang spine ok, tulang peha..air ketuban..semuanye ok..kepala baby ke bawah..doc ukut lilit perut lagi dgn tali tape..saiz perut sesuai dgn minggu ke ignore saje ckp ckp org yg kata "eh besarnye perut ye..." " kecik je perut" masing-masing nye pendapat...ada pulak tu siap ckp lagi perut dah turun...heheeheh..itu yg ummi tak percaya..ummi percaya ckp opah..opah kata kalau kita boleh letak 3 jari kite dia bawah breast itu baru betul baby dah turun..sekarang satu jari pun belum lepas...

tadi ummi buat blood test gak..result time tu juga dpt..tup tup hb tinggi 16.5.erm..doc kata maybe supplement..last supplement yg ummi amik sangolion..camtu la kot ejaan nye..menambahkan hb katanya...pastu doc kata mesin dia pun ada sikit its ok..doc kata ok je..erm tak sabar la nak bersalin...hopeflly selamat semuanya dan baby lahir dgn nanti kita mesti dah tak haring apa-apa lagi kene main dgn abang ammar pulak la ;)

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